about us

As a former Law Enforcement Officer, I have seen first-hand violations of citizens’ rights. In all my years on the job, I witnessed police brutality, the planting of evidence, racial profiling, targeting certain neighborhoods and people groups, as well as the abuse of power by superior leaders in command.

When law enforcement was first implemented in our nation, their objective was to enforce legislative laws that would protect the “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” of the citizens within our country. That’s how things were supposed to be.

The question many have been asking over the past few years is “When the very people whom ‘we the people’ gave power  to protect our rights, becomes the violator of our rights, who do we turn to now?”

Over the past decade, Americans have been gripped by shocking videos of high-profile police brutality. Every video of an unjust shooting or unlawful tazing has moved many to march on the streets in organized protesting. The emotional overload of these events incited several quotes within me by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that summoned me to get involved with being one of the many solutions to justice and equality for all.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.”

“To be silent is to be an accomplice to evil.”

“There comes a time where silence is betrayal.”

These quotes moved me and left me with no choice but to act. With my knowledge and experience, it would be wrong for me not to do something to answer those questions and speak to these feelings.

That is why, based on the 8th and 14th Amendments, I started “J.A.E.F.A. 814. (Justice And Equality For All) I could no longer stand idly by and watch citizens be subject to the violation of their rights. Justice and equality must be for all. I want to do my part to make sure of it.


I feel true “Justiceis not ambiguous. True justice is motivated by love and integrity. When it comes to “True Justice and Equality” for the people, love and integrity is not ambiguous. The true essence of love is the success of everyone, instead of a select few. Justice has rules and boundaries set forth by the Creator that everyone must follow. That means, if our Judicial system violates these rules and steps outside of the boundaries, it is guilty of violating true justice. Whoever receives the power of the law and  becomes a violator of our trusted interests has committed treason and should be punish under the severity of law. The penalty should not be cruel and unusual but adequate for the crime.


Equality gives everyone equal opportunity to be successful in their life endeavors. It is the essence or character of true justice. Whatever human beings desire to do should not be resisted, as long as it does not violate anyone’s “life, liberty, peace and pursuit of happiness.” Where there is true equality there can be no racism, prejudice, or discrimination. Now that is, truly bind justice.

For All

“Life, liberty, peace and the pursuit of happiness” is our God-given inalienable right that cannot be taken way by anyone for any reason. These rights are not ambiguous. We believe they are given by God to all human beings for the purpose in which He intended for them to fulfill. The Declaration of Independence came about due to the inequality and the Cruel and unusual punishment the British Crown shown towards the colonist. For All, is an inalienable right that can’t be restrained or repealed by human laws nor tampered with by the ones whom the people entrusted power, to make sure this does not happen to any human being. There are important rights held by citizens of democracies around the world. Such as the rights to a trial by jury and the right to own property. But, the most important are inalienable rights because they cannot be given or taken away by a government. Yet they were and yet we are in 2021 still fighting for our inalienable rights and Justice for all. 

Mission Statement

J.A.E.F.A.’s goal is to bring legal awareness to U.S. citizens through educational sessions concerning their basic rights during police encounters. 

The three police encounters stated by the Supreme Court and the elements that makes up each one, will allow citizens to know and recognize at that moment:

. When their basic rights are being violated.

. What to do as their rights are being violated.

. What to do after their rights have been violated.

Armed with this information, J.A.E.F.A. believes it will cause actionable change in our community policing, citizen and police relationships, and equality in our Local, State, and Federal laws.

When this happens we will achieve Justice And Equality For All. (J.A.E.F.A.)

Our Story

Over the past decade, Americans have been gripped by shocking videos of high-profile police brutality. Every video of an unjust shooting or unlawful tazing has moved many to march on the streets in organized protesting. While these demonstrations certainly feel good, my question has always been “When the protest is over, what did we accomplish?” How have our situations change? Have more people been educated? Has the next hashtag been prevented?

Why We Do It

In all my conversations with citizens, it is clear that many are completely unaware of the law. What’s even more alarming is that law enforcement officers themselves are often unaware of the extent of the laws.

What others have seen on a screen, I have seen up close. My law enforcement experience introduced me to harsh realities that many will never see. I started JAEFA to bring light to these unseen things and equip citizens with the legal understanding to survive these encounters while protecting their rights.

Why Equality For All?

J.A.E.F.A. understands that the Creator has given all human beings inalienable rights to be free in Life, Liberty, and in the pursuit of happiness. And that no one; the people, State, Government, Law Enforcement shall not for any reason; the color of your skin, your level of wealth, your Gender, or your religion make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States equal protection rights.

So J.A.E.F.A. concurs with the Creator, that all human beings fit into this category of “Equality for all”.

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