
How does it affect their policing?

What is police discretion?

Discretion means the power and ability to make decisions. This is somewhat vague, but so is the concept of police discretion. In the context of policing, discretion means that officers are given some leeway on making choices out in the real world that will impact the people they are policing in a negative or positive way. There are some departments that give their officers more discretion than they should. You’ve heard the expression “you give them an inch, they will take it a mile”. This lesson deals with the history of the United States, known then as the “13 Colonist” while under the British Crown before their independence. You will see how the citizens of the colonist were treated and what eventually drove them to their independence.

You will see and know, what lasting effects “The Crown” had on them even after they established themselves as a independent Nation.

“Policing the people while under the British Crown, to policing the people while under allegiance to the flag of – The United States of America”.



4.0 hours (2-15 min break) you must be 15 yrs old or older.



4.0 hours (2- 15 min break) you must be 15 yrs old or older.



4.0 hours (2- 15 min break) you must be 15 yrs old or older.

Why should I take this course?

There was an agreement made when this Nation established its independence and that agreement still stands today and that is; We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men (Human Being) are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

To protect these rights, the powers that be, invoked the constitution of the United States. Each individual state gave credence to the Constitution by legislating laws to assure the Creators inalienable rights of all human being living within their jurisdiction would be protected.

Therefore, our local, county, state, federal Law Enforcement were established to enforce legislative laws to punish anyone whom they have probable cause of violating any States criminal laws or punish  anyone with just compensation or amend any law, whom they have a preponderance of evidence of violating any persons civil liberties.

But in order to achieve this, the prescription requires electing and hiring men and women in our Government and Law enforcement Agencies with the utmost Education, Training, and Integrity in order to ever have a chance of achieving any continuity of success in this endeavor. So the question is, did that happen and if not, then why not? In this lesson, you will find out why discretion is so important to Justice and Equality

What makes this course different?

There has been  topics over the years that were written on police discretion. But I have not seen any class made available to the public, educating citizens on police discretion and how important of a role it plays in the fabric of our communities and country. Which we have seen and experienced since the birth of this Nation, whether revealed or hidden.

The failure of a Government that was established by the people for the people, the failure of the Justice System for all people, the failure of police agencies ability of equally enforcing the laws, is the effects of Discretion. 

If discretion is the under lining effect of a bigger problem. We must reveal the problem and unitedly implement the solution expeditiously. In order for the people to really see a Justice System (that is truly blind), a Government (truly for the people) and a police force (police with respect for individuals rights).

The continued failure or refusal of law enforcement agencies  to control bias policing, is sending the wrong signal to the officers that they are doing good  policing. Which may cause in escalation in officers performance such as:

  • Officers continue to fabricate evidence
  • Officers continue to fabricate the facts of an incident
  • Look for guilt rather than truth
  • Summarize statements with biasness
  • Handle evidence poorly 
  • Illegal Stop and frisk

This inability to control and provide effective leadership to officers in the field and in the office,  raises serious implications for police leadership.

The true power of a nation is shown when all the people understand the term “Principles of Legitimacy” the role it plays in making a Nation Truly Great.

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